
2 Craigslist Marketing Strategies:

Backpage Paid Listings #1:

Backpage Paid Listings #2:

Here's an article I found about these ads with a link to picking your cities and the prices...

Some great benefits of the sponsored advertisements are:
•Ads are shown to the right of regular ads, as well as within them too
•Ads are shown in multiple categories, and on every page of the selected category
•Allows you to post in multiple cities
•Outbound links are followed
•Ads are more likely to show up higher in the search engines
Sponsoring an ad is actually a lot cheaper than I expected. I can sponsor a listing for one month in Seattle, and have it auto-post to the top of the regular listings every 7 days for under $5. Seattle just happens to be one of the most expensive cities, so it is actually a bit cheaper to buy sponsored ads in other cities.

Right now backpage is offering 10% discount when using promo code: 2010THANKS. That works locally, nationally, and for sponsor upgrades:

Backpage Sponsored Ad Sign-Up

Select the Services category and the business opportunities sub-category.

Backpage Auto Posting Tool: