Search Engine Ads

Following is a comprtehensive tutorial about google adwords...please be advised that as of September, 2010, google is still in transition about the adwords component of their business offerings. As such, people are reporting google shutting down accounts while offering no reasons. However, what you learn here about google adwords can be applied to other search engine advertising including yahoo & bing/msn.

Pay-Per-Click #1

Pay-Per-Click #2:

One of the biggest reasons why people fail with Pay Per Click marketing is their campaigns have no true relevancy to whatever they are trying to market online.

Chances are if you have tried Pay Per Click marketing in the past and were not successful with it, this is exactly why.

If you are experienced with pay per click ads, still read through this entire page.

If you are new to online marketing and pay per click advertising, we recommend that you go to google and take about 40 minutes and learn how pay per click ads work and then work directly with the yahoo staff to create your campaign.

Google Adwords Tutorial

If you are familiar with this type of advertising or have gone through the tutorial, below are the areas you need to focus on.

Here is where many people will make a mistake with this type of advertising. They will load in 200 keywords for one ad campaign that are not related or relevant to the ad itself which should never be done.

The most amount of keywords that you should ever use for any campaign is approximately 10 to 15 keywords unless you are advanced and know what you are doing. This will give you a better result and ranking within google and yahoo than if you use 200 keywords mismatched keywords. This means google and yahoo will place you higher on the sponsored listings when people are conducting their searches.

Here is the point we are trying to make. You would rather have 20 different ads with 10 to 15 relevant keywords under 1 campaign where everything is related instead of only having 1 ad with 200 keywords where they are not relevant. There is no limit to the number of ads you can generate with sponsored listings, so do not flood a bunch of irrelevant keywords in to 1 ad.

By the way, with the IPC business we hold a big advantage over keywords than just about any other business out there. Follow along closely with this, please.

Here is why this is so important. The more relevant your keywords are to your website and your ad that you have created for your campaign, the less you will pay per click and you can also receive a higher ranking.

For instance, look at this example below.

The keyword "Make Money" has an approximate bid on it right now of about $1.85 per click to be ranked high with google. So what most people will do is just create a quick campaign and then try to outbid their competition. This is a very costly marketing strategy to use.

Let me put this into perspective. Most programs that are out on the market that use the same keywords we will be using in our campaigns are pretty much selling a $49 to $59 product.

Now if they are using the keyword "Make Money" and their campaign is not setup correctly, they would be paying full market cost for their clicks and would need a sale for every 26 people that clicked on their adjust to break even.

That's 26 clicks at $1.85 equals $48.10

Now let's take a look at the breakeven point with IPC when your campaign is totally relevant.

Because of the relevancy we will use with our campaigns, we will be able to place a lower cost bid on our keywords and end up with a ranking as if we were actually bidding $1.85 per click. In fact, we will be able to place our max bid at right around $0.75 per click and still receive a high ranking.

That is what relevancy does when you use it correctly.

Now let's compare these numbers. With the IPC Program you receive $200.00 for every sale you make. That means your breakeven point at $0.75 per click would be one sale for every 266 clicks on your ad.

By the way, that would be the most you would pay. The truth is because of the relevancy that your campaign will carry, you will most likely pay only $0.67 per click and some will even be lower.

The IPC website you're provided with in our program creates sales consistently with this type of marketing.

This is exactly why people are able to make thousands each and every week using this type of marketing. It puts your IPC website out in front of people that are looking to make money online immediately.

To put this in perspective, do you have any idea how many people surf the internet daily looking to make an income online?

About 25 million according to Google which means that you do not have to worry about this type of marketing being oversaturated. In fact, this is why Pay Per Click advertising works with this business immediately.

The biggest key to Pay Per Click is relevancy. Once you have relevancy, then you just need to monitor your campaigns and manage them properly.

Examples Of Relevancy With Pay Per Click

Now that we have explained how relevancy can save your pocketbook and give you success online, now let's show you how to actually use it correctly.

To start off with, you want to select just one main keyword that you want to use. Once you have you main keyword you wish to use, then you will create variations of that keyword.

For instance, if you are using the keyword "make money" some variations could be:

make money online
make money at home
how to make money
ways to make money

These are what we call variations, but you will also notice that they are all relevant with the main keyword "make money".

Now we have created variations of the main keyword "make money", you then want to position your ads to match your keyword group. This is important, as we said it will also affect your exposure and cost per click.

Here's an example:

Let's say we are going to use the following keyword variations for our campaign.
(We are using these keywords for an example only - but it's a great example!)

make money
make money online
make money at home
make money fast
how to make money
make alot of money
make money easy
make money now
ways to make money
make more money
make money quick

Now if we designed our ad like below, we would get a poor search result and be charged more per click because the relevancy of the keywords do not match the ad. Take a look at it.

Wealth From Your Home
Start working from your home
today and earn a great income!

The reason why this pay per click ad wouldn't rank high is none of the keywords actually match the ad. We would be charged more per click because of this.

This means if we want this ad to show and get clicked on, we will be spending more per click than somebody that has an ad with relevancy.
Now take a look at what a relevant ad would look like for our keyword group.

Make Money Fast - Today
You can make money today $1,000
starting now, Real Money!

Now this ad has relevancy to the keywords that back its search results. This makes a big difference. This ad would get a higher sponsored search ranking from google and yahoo because the related keywords actually appear in the ad itself. You would also be charged less per click because of this relevancy. This saves you money and allows your ad to appear more often.

So please take the time and watch how you group your keywords so you can create your pay per click ads around them.

Using Broad Match, Phrase Match & Exact Match
Now that we have a relevant ad, the next thing we would want to do is use the google's search match options with our keyword group.

If you have watched the google tutorials, you should have an idea of what we are referring to. If you have not watched the google tutorials, then take the time to do this now. You do not want to try and short cut pay per clicks as it will only end up costing you money.

With google, you will now want to take your selected keywords and design them for the 3 different search matches that google allows. These would be broad match, phrase match and exact match. Below you can see how this is done.

For broad match our keywords would be:
make money
make money online
make money at home
make money fast
how to make money
make alot of money
make money easy
make money now
ways to make money
make more money
make money quick

For phrase match our keywords would be:
"make money"
"make money online"
"make money at home"
"make money fast"
"how to make money"
"make alot of money"
"make money easy"
"make money now"
"ways to make money"
"make more money"
"make money quick"

For exact match our keywords would be:
[make money]
[make money online]
[make money at home]
[make money fast]
[how to make money]
[make alot of money]
[make money easy]
[make money now]
[ways to make money]
[make more money]
[make money quick]

So what does all this mean? It means that our final keyword list that we would load into google for this campaign would be the all the different search matches combined together.

That means your final keyword group would look like this:
make money
make money online
make money at home
make money fast
how to make money
make alot of money
make money easy
make money now
ways to make money
make more money
make money quick
"make money"
"make money online"
"make money at home"
"make money fast"
"how to make money"
"make alot of money"
"make money easy"
"make money now"
"ways to make money"
"make more money"
"make money quick"
[make money]
[make money online]
[make money at home]
[make money fast]
[how to make money]
[make alot of money]
[make money easy]
[make money now]
[ways to make money]
[make more money]
[make money quick]

For this example, this would be the final keyword list you would use in your campaign.

Now the reason we want all the different search matches listed, is because google you will receive different cost rates related to your clicks based on the actual search keywords that are typed in by the people searching on google.

This is where many times where the actually charge for a click on your campaign can actually end up being up being $0.20 to $0.30 lower then what your actual bid is.

Remember that relevancy is always the key to any campaign that you use with pay per click marketing. Without relevancy, the cost that you will pay per click can sky rocket. This is also the main reason why many people fail with pay per click marketing.

This brings us to the last key of our relevancy equation which would be how your keyword group matches up with your website or landing page.

For our example we have been using, "make money" is a highly relevant keyword. It is a keyword phrase that is included in your meta tags and heavily used in the website content on your IPC Program website.

To make this clear, this would make your campaign highly relevant according to google's guidelines which is exactly what we want to accomplish.

If you focus on keeping your keyword group relevant to your campaign ad and your website, you should never have a problem in making a profit with pay per click marketing.