There's a ton of videos on this may take a minute for them all to load so if you don't see them immediately...wait a minute. Or you can hit the "refresh" button to the right of your broswer. Also, if you click a link on the right side, you will need to re-click "2010" at the top to get back to the full line-up again.
There are 25+ advertising options here covering 3 budget categories: Free, Low-Cost, & High Octane. Select the options that fit your situtation and get going immediately. Please email Garrett at if you have any questions.
Make sure you give this site to your new 150Fast members so they can get off to a quick start. And don't forget to remind your new members they can use our team follow-up site absolutely free.
Follow-Up Site - You're Free To Use This:
Double Click To This Site...Use It In Your Follow-Up
Remember, if you want to have the autoresponder system set up for you to have emails sent to your leads in your 150fast backoffice, it's $15 a month and comes with 24 webinars each and every week.
Call or email me: Garrett in Colorado @ 720-432-7632 or
Team Resource Center
Forwarding Domain Name
Getting A Domain Name:
Forwarding A Domain Name:
Image Ad Maker For Classied Ad Postings:
Free Image Ad Maker (craigslist ad maker):
Stock Photos For Sale::
Forwarding A Domain Name:
Image Ad Maker For Classied Ad Postings:
Free Image Ad Maker (craigslist ad maker):
Stock Photos For Sale::
25+ Advertising Options

Your goal should be to play to your strenghts and avoid your weaknesses. By that what I mean is this: if you're a fast learner, that's a strength...if you're a slow learner, that's a weakness. It's not a judgement, it's a fact of life. For me personally, I'm a slow learner when it comes to following directions. I know this about myself and I accept it so I stay away from having to learn new things where I need to be able to grasp numerous procedures in a row. But with things where there is minimal learning, I'm a bulldog such as with automated phone messaging. The same is true with your ad budget or if you don't have a lot of time on your hands. If you have a decent ad budget, use it to maximize your advertising effectiveness...if not, skip the material on this site that doesn't affect you and do the free advertising options.
Free Advertising:
Reverse Marketing (10 mins learning)
Classified Advertising (30 mins learning + 2 hrs set-up)
Twitter & Facebook (new techniques 1 a day for 7 days)
Traffic Exchanges (1 hour learning)
Blogger - (30 mins learning + 1 hr set-up))
Online Press Release: (10 mins learning + 30 mins set-up)
Image Ad Maker: - (5 mins learning)
Cheap Advertising:
Daily Advertising Tools - $89 to $197 Per Year (20 mins learning)
Backpage Paid Listings - $5/MO Per City (10 mins learning + 20 mins set-up)
Backpage Auto Posting Tool - $99 (1-2 hours learning + 1 hr set-up)
Solo Ads - $25 to $50+ (20 mins learning)
Craigslist - $25 minimum (10 minutes learning)
Post Cards - $100 mimimum (10 mins learning)
High Octane Advertising:
Automated Messaging - $300 to $600 (2 hrs learning + 1 hr set-up)
Google Paid Ads (PPC) - $300 to $500 (2 hrs learning + 3 hrs set-up)
Automated Messaging
Automated Phone Messaging:
It's pretty easy to get 10-20-30 leads at a time with ibuzzpro. This is for the person who's serious about marketing the heck out of you can use ibuzzpro for any opportunity you're in now or any opportunity you get in at any time in the future. Plus it comes as an opportunity so you can make money when other people buy it from you.
You can also use it to send out short messages to your leads as they opt-into your 150Fast site...this is good for updates, reminders of the next conference call coming up in 30 minutes for example (this is a very powerful thing to do), news about new developments in 150Fast, etc.
For information about voice broadcasting using ibuzzpro, email Garrett at
It's pretty easy to get 10-20-30 leads at a time with ibuzzpro. This is for the person who's serious about marketing the heck out of you can use ibuzzpro for any opportunity you're in now or any opportunity you get in at any time in the future. Plus it comes as an opportunity so you can make money when other people buy it from you.
You can also use it to send out short messages to your leads as they opt-into your 150Fast site...this is good for updates, reminders of the next conference call coming up in 30 minutes for example (this is a very powerful thing to do), news about new developments in 150Fast, etc.
For information about voice broadcasting using ibuzzpro, email Garrett at
Daily Advertising Tools
I do not get an affiliate commission from you if you sign up for and pay for these services...they are provided because they are responsive lists and are all well-known to work for generating opt-ins.
Downline Builders:
Downline Builder Sites You Can Check Out:
(copy and paste into your browser)
PS - when you visit these sites, you will be given a special "one-time" offer on one of their membership packages...these really are special deals and they really are offered only one time...I suggest you sign up for a few of them with a bogus name and email addrsss, take a look around and then if you want to buy, sign in again with your real information and take advantage of the one-time special offers.
Downline Builders:
Downline Builder Sites You Can Check Out:
(copy and paste into your browser)
PS - when you visit these sites, you will be given a special "one-time" offer on one of their membership packages...these really are special deals and they really are offered only one time...I suggest you sign up for a few of them with a bogus name and email addrsss, take a look around and then if you want to buy, sign in again with your real information and take advantage of the one-time special offers.
Post Card Marketing

One of our team members was gracious enough to share a post card marketing campaign he is doing for $150 Fast.
Color Post Cards - 405-677-6747- (Ask for April and ask for the Carl's 150Fast Card)
500- $98
1000- $108
For leads please contact Douglas Grade
Peel/Stick Leads 262 786 1853
200- $25
500- $39
1000- $59
Postage is .28 per card
2 Craigslist Marketing Strategies:
Backpage Paid Listings #1:
Backpage Paid Listings #2:
Here's an article I found about these ads with a link to picking your cities and the prices...
Some great benefits of the sponsored advertisements are:
•Ads are shown to the right of regular ads, as well as within them too
•Ads are shown in multiple categories, and on every page of the selected category
•Allows you to post in multiple cities
•Outbound links are followed
•Ads are more likely to show up higher in the search engines
Sponsoring an ad is actually a lot cheaper than I expected. I can sponsor a listing for one month in Seattle, and have it auto-post to the top of the regular listings every 7 days for under $5. Seattle just happens to be one of the most expensive cities, so it is actually a bit cheaper to buy sponsored ads in other cities.
Right now backpage is offering 10% discount when using promo code: 2010THANKS. That works locally, nationally, and for sponsor upgrades:
Backpage Sponsored Ad Sign-Up
Select the Services category and the business opportunities sub-category.
Backpage Auto Posting Tool:
Backpage Paid Listings #1:
Backpage Paid Listings #2:
Here's an article I found about these ads with a link to picking your cities and the prices...
Some great benefits of the sponsored advertisements are:
•Ads are shown to the right of regular ads, as well as within them too
•Ads are shown in multiple categories, and on every page of the selected category
•Allows you to post in multiple cities
•Outbound links are followed
•Ads are more likely to show up higher in the search engines
Sponsoring an ad is actually a lot cheaper than I expected. I can sponsor a listing for one month in Seattle, and have it auto-post to the top of the regular listings every 7 days for under $5. Seattle just happens to be one of the most expensive cities, so it is actually a bit cheaper to buy sponsored ads in other cities.
Right now backpage is offering 10% discount when using promo code: 2010THANKS. That works locally, nationally, and for sponsor upgrades:
Backpage Sponsored Ad Sign-Up
Select the Services category and the business opportunities sub-category.
Backpage Auto Posting Tool:
Cheap Ads & Solo Ads
Additional Advertising Resources
Company 150 Fast Co-Op Ad'vertising - Look in your Back Office
Start Advertising with Free Promo Codes:
Reach 91,000 People...
Go to:
(Copy and paste above URL into browser)
Additional Places to Advertise:
Business World
You can send out 200 emails every 2 days for Free, or For
only $12.00 per month, you can send out 92,000 plus emails
every 2 days..
Got Safe List
Another great List Builder at a Low Price..
Revenue Magic
Upgrade to the paid service ad. Extremely responsive list.
Global Safe Lists
Executive Membership is only $9.95 per month and You can
Email every 3 days.
Another great Free place to email. However the Top
Membership at the Gold Level, you can email every
day to over 54,000 members..
Another effective list source that you can email up to 6 times a day..
Solo Ad Profits
Traffic Surge
Tip: I recommend paid safelist promotion. Always send a solo ad to the contact email address to get the best results. Free safelist promotion will generate a few leads but not enough to get you the results you desire.
Additional Advertising Resources
Company 150 Fast Co-Op Ad'vertising - Look in your Back Office
Start Advertising with Free Promo Codes:
Reach 91,000 People...
Go to:
(Copy and paste above URL into browser)
Additional Places to Advertise:
Business World
You can send out 200 emails every 2 days for Free, or For
only $12.00 per month, you can send out 92,000 plus emails
every 2 days..
Got Safe List
Another great List Builder at a Low Price..
Revenue Magic
Upgrade to the paid service ad. Extremely responsive list.
Global Safe Lists
Executive Membership is only $9.95 per month and You can
Email every 3 days.
Another great Free place to email. However the Top
Membership at the Gold Level, you can email every
day to over 54,000 members..
Another effective list source that you can email up to 6 times a day..
Solo Ad Profits
Traffic Surge
Tip: I recommend paid safelist promotion. Always send a solo ad to the contact email address to get the best results. Free safelist promotion will generate a few leads but not enough to get you the results you desire.
Free Facebook & Twitter
Please only get into twitter/facebook if you're already "knee-deep" into it...if you want to get into it for the 1st time, that's great...just get yourself started in driving traffic to your website and learn this kind of stuff on the side.
This is a comprehensive webinar course on Facebook with some Twitter included. I was given this by a friend who uses these techniques and says they flat out work. Personally, I'm not into Facebook so I cannot give you an opinion but if you're into Facebook, you will see the benefits of this course....if any of the videos stall, right click your mouse and select global settings they the'll un-stall.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
This is a comprehensive webinar course on Facebook with some Twitter included. I was given this by a friend who uses these techniques and says they flat out work. Personally, I'm not into Facebook so I cannot give you an opinion but if you're into Facebook, you will see the benefits of this course....if any of the videos stall, right click your mouse and select global settings they the'll un-stall.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Free Blog Set-Up
Blogger Overview:
Blogger Set-Up #1:
Blogger Set-Up #2:
Blogger Set-Up #3 & Free Press Releases:
Blogger Set-Up #1:
Blogger Set-Up #2:
Blogger Set-Up #3 & Free Press Releases:
Search Engine Ads
Following is a comprtehensive tutorial about google adwords...please be advised that as of September, 2010, google is still in transition about the adwords component of their business offerings. As such, people are reporting google shutting down accounts while offering no reasons. However, what you learn here about google adwords can be applied to other search engine advertising including yahoo & bing/msn.
Pay-Per-Click #1
Pay-Per-Click #2:
One of the biggest reasons why people fail with Pay Per Click marketing is their campaigns have no true relevancy to whatever they are trying to market online.
Chances are if you have tried Pay Per Click marketing in the past and were not successful with it, this is exactly why.
If you are experienced with pay per click ads, still read through this entire page.
If you are new to online marketing and pay per click advertising, we recommend that you go to google and take about 40 minutes and learn how pay per click ads work and then work directly with the yahoo staff to create your campaign.
Google Adwords Tutorial
If you are familiar with this type of advertising or have gone through the tutorial, below are the areas you need to focus on.
Here is where many people will make a mistake with this type of advertising. They will load in 200 keywords for one ad campaign that are not related or relevant to the ad itself which should never be done.
The most amount of keywords that you should ever use for any campaign is approximately 10 to 15 keywords unless you are advanced and know what you are doing. This will give you a better result and ranking within google and yahoo than if you use 200 keywords mismatched keywords. This means google and yahoo will place you higher on the sponsored listings when people are conducting their searches.
Here is the point we are trying to make. You would rather have 20 different ads with 10 to 15 relevant keywords under 1 campaign where everything is related instead of only having 1 ad with 200 keywords where they are not relevant. There is no limit to the number of ads you can generate with sponsored listings, so do not flood a bunch of irrelevant keywords in to 1 ad.
By the way, with the IPC business we hold a big advantage over keywords than just about any other business out there. Follow along closely with this, please.
Here is why this is so important. The more relevant your keywords are to your website and your ad that you have created for your campaign, the less you will pay per click and you can also receive a higher ranking.
For instance, look at this example below.
The keyword "Make Money" has an approximate bid on it right now of about $1.85 per click to be ranked high with google. So what most people will do is just create a quick campaign and then try to outbid their competition. This is a very costly marketing strategy to use.
Let me put this into perspective. Most programs that are out on the market that use the same keywords we will be using in our campaigns are pretty much selling a $49 to $59 product.
Now if they are using the keyword "Make Money" and their campaign is not setup correctly, they would be paying full market cost for their clicks and would need a sale for every 26 people that clicked on their adjust to break even.
That's 26 clicks at $1.85 equals $48.10
Now let's take a look at the breakeven point with IPC when your campaign is totally relevant.
Because of the relevancy we will use with our campaigns, we will be able to place a lower cost bid on our keywords and end up with a ranking as if we were actually bidding $1.85 per click. In fact, we will be able to place our max bid at right around $0.75 per click and still receive a high ranking.
That is what relevancy does when you use it correctly.
Now let's compare these numbers. With the IPC Program you receive $200.00 for every sale you make. That means your breakeven point at $0.75 per click would be one sale for every 266 clicks on your ad.
By the way, that would be the most you would pay. The truth is because of the relevancy that your campaign will carry, you will most likely pay only $0.67 per click and some will even be lower.
The IPC website you're provided with in our program creates sales consistently with this type of marketing.
This is exactly why people are able to make thousands each and every week using this type of marketing. It puts your IPC website out in front of people that are looking to make money online immediately.
To put this in perspective, do you have any idea how many people surf the internet daily looking to make an income online?
About 25 million according to Google which means that you do not have to worry about this type of marketing being oversaturated. In fact, this is why Pay Per Click advertising works with this business immediately.
The biggest key to Pay Per Click is relevancy. Once you have relevancy, then you just need to monitor your campaigns and manage them properly.
Examples Of Relevancy With Pay Per Click
Now that we have explained how relevancy can save your pocketbook and give you success online, now let's show you how to actually use it correctly.
To start off with, you want to select just one main keyword that you want to use. Once you have you main keyword you wish to use, then you will create variations of that keyword.
For instance, if you are using the keyword "make money" some variations could be:
make money online
make money at home
how to make money
ways to make money
These are what we call variations, but you will also notice that they are all relevant with the main keyword "make money".
Now we have created variations of the main keyword "make money", you then want to position your ads to match your keyword group. This is important, as we said it will also affect your exposure and cost per click.
Here's an example:
Let's say we are going to use the following keyword variations for our campaign.
(We are using these keywords for an example only - but it's a great example!)
make money
make money online
make money at home
make money fast
how to make money
make alot of money
make money easy
make money now
ways to make money
make more money
make money quick
Now if we designed our ad like below, we would get a poor search result and be charged more per click because the relevancy of the keywords do not match the ad. Take a look at it.
Wealth From Your Home
Start working from your home
today and earn a great income!
The reason why this pay per click ad wouldn't rank high is none of the keywords actually match the ad. We would be charged more per click because of this.
This means if we want this ad to show and get clicked on, we will be spending more per click than somebody that has an ad with relevancy.
Now take a look at what a relevant ad would look like for our keyword group.
Make Money Fast - Today
You can make money today $1,000
starting now, Real Money!
Now this ad has relevancy to the keywords that back its search results. This makes a big difference. This ad would get a higher sponsored search ranking from google and yahoo because the related keywords actually appear in the ad itself. You would also be charged less per click because of this relevancy. This saves you money and allows your ad to appear more often.
So please take the time and watch how you group your keywords so you can create your pay per click ads around them.
Using Broad Match, Phrase Match & Exact Match
Now that we have a relevant ad, the next thing we would want to do is use the google's search match options with our keyword group.
If you have watched the google tutorials, you should have an idea of what we are referring to. If you have not watched the google tutorials, then take the time to do this now. You do not want to try and short cut pay per clicks as it will only end up costing you money.
With google, you will now want to take your selected keywords and design them for the 3 different search matches that google allows. These would be broad match, phrase match and exact match. Below you can see how this is done.
For broad match our keywords would be:
make money
make money online
make money at home
make money fast
how to make money
make alot of money
make money easy
make money now
ways to make money
make more money
make money quick
For phrase match our keywords would be:
"make money"
"make money online"
"make money at home"
"make money fast"
"how to make money"
"make alot of money"
"make money easy"
"make money now"
"ways to make money"
"make more money"
"make money quick"
For exact match our keywords would be:
[make money]
[make money online]
[make money at home]
[make money fast]
[how to make money]
[make alot of money]
[make money easy]
[make money now]
[ways to make money]
[make more money]
[make money quick]
So what does all this mean? It means that our final keyword list that we would load into google for this campaign would be the all the different search matches combined together.
That means your final keyword group would look like this:
make money
make money online
make money at home
make money fast
how to make money
make alot of money
make money easy
make money now
ways to make money
make more money
make money quick
"make money"
"make money online"
"make money at home"
"make money fast"
"how to make money"
"make alot of money"
"make money easy"
"make money now"
"ways to make money"
"make more money"
"make money quick"
[make money]
[make money online]
[make money at home]
[make money fast]
[how to make money]
[make alot of money]
[make money easy]
[make money now]
[ways to make money]
[make more money]
[make money quick]
For this example, this would be the final keyword list you would use in your campaign.
Now the reason we want all the different search matches listed, is because google you will receive different cost rates related to your clicks based on the actual search keywords that are typed in by the people searching on google.
This is where many times where the actually charge for a click on your campaign can actually end up being up being $0.20 to $0.30 lower then what your actual bid is.
Remember that relevancy is always the key to any campaign that you use with pay per click marketing. Without relevancy, the cost that you will pay per click can sky rocket. This is also the main reason why many people fail with pay per click marketing.
This brings us to the last key of our relevancy equation which would be how your keyword group matches up with your website or landing page.
For our example we have been using, "make money" is a highly relevant keyword. It is a keyword phrase that is included in your meta tags and heavily used in the website content on your IPC Program website.
To make this clear, this would make your campaign highly relevant according to google's guidelines which is exactly what we want to accomplish.
If you focus on keeping your keyword group relevant to your campaign ad and your website, you should never have a problem in making a profit with pay per click marketing.
Pay-Per-Click #1
Pay-Per-Click #2:
One of the biggest reasons why people fail with Pay Per Click marketing is their campaigns have no true relevancy to whatever they are trying to market online.
Chances are if you have tried Pay Per Click marketing in the past and were not successful with it, this is exactly why.
If you are experienced with pay per click ads, still read through this entire page.
If you are new to online marketing and pay per click advertising, we recommend that you go to google and take about 40 minutes and learn how pay per click ads work and then work directly with the yahoo staff to create your campaign.
Google Adwords Tutorial
If you are familiar with this type of advertising or have gone through the tutorial, below are the areas you need to focus on.
Here is where many people will make a mistake with this type of advertising. They will load in 200 keywords for one ad campaign that are not related or relevant to the ad itself which should never be done.
The most amount of keywords that you should ever use for any campaign is approximately 10 to 15 keywords unless you are advanced and know what you are doing. This will give you a better result and ranking within google and yahoo than if you use 200 keywords mismatched keywords. This means google and yahoo will place you higher on the sponsored listings when people are conducting their searches.
Here is the point we are trying to make. You would rather have 20 different ads with 10 to 15 relevant keywords under 1 campaign where everything is related instead of only having 1 ad with 200 keywords where they are not relevant. There is no limit to the number of ads you can generate with sponsored listings, so do not flood a bunch of irrelevant keywords in to 1 ad.
By the way, with the IPC business we hold a big advantage over keywords than just about any other business out there. Follow along closely with this, please.
Here is why this is so important. The more relevant your keywords are to your website and your ad that you have created for your campaign, the less you will pay per click and you can also receive a higher ranking.
For instance, look at this example below.
The keyword "Make Money" has an approximate bid on it right now of about $1.85 per click to be ranked high with google. So what most people will do is just create a quick campaign and then try to outbid their competition. This is a very costly marketing strategy to use.
Let me put this into perspective. Most programs that are out on the market that use the same keywords we will be using in our campaigns are pretty much selling a $49 to $59 product.
Now if they are using the keyword "Make Money" and their campaign is not setup correctly, they would be paying full market cost for their clicks and would need a sale for every 26 people that clicked on their adjust to break even.
That's 26 clicks at $1.85 equals $48.10
Now let's take a look at the breakeven point with IPC when your campaign is totally relevant.
Because of the relevancy we will use with our campaigns, we will be able to place a lower cost bid on our keywords and end up with a ranking as if we were actually bidding $1.85 per click. In fact, we will be able to place our max bid at right around $0.75 per click and still receive a high ranking.
That is what relevancy does when you use it correctly.
Now let's compare these numbers. With the IPC Program you receive $200.00 for every sale you make. That means your breakeven point at $0.75 per click would be one sale for every 266 clicks on your ad.
By the way, that would be the most you would pay. The truth is because of the relevancy that your campaign will carry, you will most likely pay only $0.67 per click and some will even be lower.
The IPC website you're provided with in our program creates sales consistently with this type of marketing.
This is exactly why people are able to make thousands each and every week using this type of marketing. It puts your IPC website out in front of people that are looking to make money online immediately.
To put this in perspective, do you have any idea how many people surf the internet daily looking to make an income online?
About 25 million according to Google which means that you do not have to worry about this type of marketing being oversaturated. In fact, this is why Pay Per Click advertising works with this business immediately.
The biggest key to Pay Per Click is relevancy. Once you have relevancy, then you just need to monitor your campaigns and manage them properly.
Examples Of Relevancy With Pay Per Click
Now that we have explained how relevancy can save your pocketbook and give you success online, now let's show you how to actually use it correctly.
To start off with, you want to select just one main keyword that you want to use. Once you have you main keyword you wish to use, then you will create variations of that keyword.
For instance, if you are using the keyword "make money" some variations could be:
make money online
make money at home
how to make money
ways to make money
These are what we call variations, but you will also notice that they are all relevant with the main keyword "make money".
Now we have created variations of the main keyword "make money", you then want to position your ads to match your keyword group. This is important, as we said it will also affect your exposure and cost per click.
Here's an example:
Let's say we are going to use the following keyword variations for our campaign.
(We are using these keywords for an example only - but it's a great example!)
make money
make money online
make money at home
make money fast
how to make money
make alot of money
make money easy
make money now
ways to make money
make more money
make money quick
Now if we designed our ad like below, we would get a poor search result and be charged more per click because the relevancy of the keywords do not match the ad. Take a look at it.
Wealth From Your Home
Start working from your home
today and earn a great income!
The reason why this pay per click ad wouldn't rank high is none of the keywords actually match the ad. We would be charged more per click because of this.
This means if we want this ad to show and get clicked on, we will be spending more per click than somebody that has an ad with relevancy.
Now take a look at what a relevant ad would look like for our keyword group.
Make Money Fast - Today
You can make money today $1,000
starting now, Real Money!
Now this ad has relevancy to the keywords that back its search results. This makes a big difference. This ad would get a higher sponsored search ranking from google and yahoo because the related keywords actually appear in the ad itself. You would also be charged less per click because of this relevancy. This saves you money and allows your ad to appear more often.
So please take the time and watch how you group your keywords so you can create your pay per click ads around them.
Using Broad Match, Phrase Match & Exact Match
Now that we have a relevant ad, the next thing we would want to do is use the google's search match options with our keyword group.
If you have watched the google tutorials, you should have an idea of what we are referring to. If you have not watched the google tutorials, then take the time to do this now. You do not want to try and short cut pay per clicks as it will only end up costing you money.
With google, you will now want to take your selected keywords and design them for the 3 different search matches that google allows. These would be broad match, phrase match and exact match. Below you can see how this is done.
For broad match our keywords would be:
make money
make money online
make money at home
make money fast
how to make money
make alot of money
make money easy
make money now
ways to make money
make more money
make money quick
For phrase match our keywords would be:
"make money"
"make money online"
"make money at home"
"make money fast"
"how to make money"
"make alot of money"
"make money easy"
"make money now"
"ways to make money"
"make more money"
"make money quick"
For exact match our keywords would be:
[make money]
[make money online]
[make money at home]
[make money fast]
[how to make money]
[make alot of money]
[make money easy]
[make money now]
[ways to make money]
[make more money]
[make money quick]
So what does all this mean? It means that our final keyword list that we would load into google for this campaign would be the all the different search matches combined together.
That means your final keyword group would look like this:
make money
make money online
make money at home
make money fast
how to make money
make alot of money
make money easy
make money now
ways to make money
make more money
make money quick
"make money"
"make money online"
"make money at home"
"make money fast"
"how to make money"
"make alot of money"
"make money easy"
"make money now"
"ways to make money"
"make more money"
"make money quick"
[make money]
[make money online]
[make money at home]
[make money fast]
[how to make money]
[make alot of money]
[make money easy]
[make money now]
[ways to make money]
[make more money]
[make money quick]
For this example, this would be the final keyword list you would use in your campaign.
Now the reason we want all the different search matches listed, is because google you will receive different cost rates related to your clicks based on the actual search keywords that are typed in by the people searching on google.
This is where many times where the actually charge for a click on your campaign can actually end up being up being $0.20 to $0.30 lower then what your actual bid is.
Remember that relevancy is always the key to any campaign that you use with pay per click marketing. Without relevancy, the cost that you will pay per click can sky rocket. This is also the main reason why many people fail with pay per click marketing.
This brings us to the last key of our relevancy equation which would be how your keyword group matches up with your website or landing page.
For our example we have been using, "make money" is a highly relevant keyword. It is a keyword phrase that is included in your meta tags and heavily used in the website content on your IPC Program website.
To make this clear, this would make your campaign highly relevant according to google's guidelines which is exactly what we want to accomplish.
If you focus on keeping your keyword group relevant to your campaign ad and your website, you should never have a problem in making a profit with pay per click marketing.
Free Classified Ad Mastery
Free Classifieds Are The Thing To Do IF You Have No Advertising Budget.
Creating Classified Ads:
Placng Classified Ads #1:
Placng Classified Ads #1a:
You can create sales very quickly with Free Classifieds but it also takes a little longer to see the effects than with Pay Per Clicks or Solo Ads. But the one thing you need to remember is this - THEY ARE FREE!
Using Online Classifieds
There are two things that are a must for online classified ads, and they have to be done right otherwise you will not get the responses from your ads you are hoping for.
First: The Headline
This is very crucial. When people look through classifieds online, your headline has to grab their attention immediately. If your headline doesn't grab their attention, they will not click on it and never see your ad. Headlines for your classified ads are the key!
To use classifieds effectively you should create several different headlines so that your ad headlines are not duplicated when posting your ads to the classified sites.
Second: The Ad Body
Once a person opens your ad, your number one goal is to get them to respond to it - That's It! Do not try to sell them in the ad at all - PERIOD! Your ad should only build excitement to where they want to see more.
This is where we see many people make mistakes when using classifieds. If you give too much information in your classified ad, the person reading it will have no reason to click on your link and see more. Always keep your classified ads short and build excitement. Get the person reading it to want more information.
For your classified ad bodies, you will always want several ads to avoid duplication when placing your ads on the classified sites.
Online Classified Ad Examples
Below you will find a few examples of how you can create and use online classifieds to promote your business.
The Ad Headline:
Profits Starting Today - No Experience Needed!
The Ad Body:
A program that works starting right now.
A complete system that provides full training & support.
Where true beginners are earning $500 to $1000 a week.
If you're sick of programs that do not work, then
you need to really take a look at this.
http://www.your website
The Ad Headline:
Serious Cash Being Made Right Here!
The Ad Body:
Beginners making 5,000 their first month.
One of the most complete programs online.
What are you waiting for?
Start making real cash, just click below.
http://www.your website
These are just 2 examples and as you can see there are a ton of ways that you can use classified to promote your business.
Submitting Your Classifieds
Below is a list of classified ad sources where you can submit your classified ads. Follow their guidelines, and try not place duplicate ads.
Popular categories to place your ads under include Business Opportunities, Work From Home, Jobs, Other Services, etc.
Backpage Classifieds
AdLandPrAd Posts
US Free Ads
Web Classifieds
Recycler Classifieds
Free Ads City
Notice: Backpage has implemented an ip marker and an account tracker with their systems. This means if you place more than 3 ads on in their classified network using the same ip address and/or same email address, they will block your ads from being posted and also prevent you from placing further ads.
There are ways to get around these systems, but it involves switching your ip address and using multiple email accounts.
This may sound complicated, but it is not. If you do not want to go through the trouble of switching your ip address or having multiple email addresses, that is fine. Just only place a maximum of 3 ads a day on backpage.
To switch your ip address is not that complicated for the most part. Often times you only have to disconnect your internet connection then reconnect it and you will have a different ip address.
To check to see if this will work for you, simply check your ip address now, then disconnect your internet connection and wait 30 seconds and then reconnect your internet connection. Then check your ip address again.
If you do not know how to check your ip address, just simply go to the link below.
This will display your ip address.
Now if the above doesn't work, you will want to create an alternate connection with a dial up service such as or if you can use some of the available software online to switch your ip address while placing ads on backpage.
Now if your ads do get blocked on backpage, then you need to take the above actions to switch your ip address before trying to place any more ads. Once you have switched your ip address, then you will want to use completely new email accounts with backpage so your old accounts and your new accounts have no connections.
Remember to create several email accounts for backpage, and be sure to switch your ip address every time you use a different email address.
When you set up your email addresses, be sure to set-up the vacation responder to send out the following message:
Creating An Alternate Connection & Hiding Your IP Address
One of the ways to switch your ip address is by creating an alternate dial up connection with your computer. Please note that this would be an alternate connection specifically for placing ads on backpage and will not replace your normal internet connection. Discount For IPC
Another way you can switch your ip address is by using software to mask your ip address. One solution to switching your ip address with software is "Hide My IP", and it works very well.
Creating Classified Ads:
Placng Classified Ads #1:
Placng Classified Ads #1a:
You can create sales very quickly with Free Classifieds but it also takes a little longer to see the effects than with Pay Per Clicks or Solo Ads. But the one thing you need to remember is this - THEY ARE FREE!
Using Online Classifieds
There are two things that are a must for online classified ads, and they have to be done right otherwise you will not get the responses from your ads you are hoping for.
First: The Headline
This is very crucial. When people look through classifieds online, your headline has to grab their attention immediately. If your headline doesn't grab their attention, they will not click on it and never see your ad. Headlines for your classified ads are the key!
To use classifieds effectively you should create several different headlines so that your ad headlines are not duplicated when posting your ads to the classified sites.
Second: The Ad Body
Once a person opens your ad, your number one goal is to get them to respond to it - That's It! Do not try to sell them in the ad at all - PERIOD! Your ad should only build excitement to where they want to see more.
This is where we see many people make mistakes when using classifieds. If you give too much information in your classified ad, the person reading it will have no reason to click on your link and see more. Always keep your classified ads short and build excitement. Get the person reading it to want more information.
For your classified ad bodies, you will always want several ads to avoid duplication when placing your ads on the classified sites.
Online Classified Ad Examples
Below you will find a few examples of how you can create and use online classifieds to promote your business.
The Ad Headline:
Profits Starting Today - No Experience Needed!
The Ad Body:
A program that works starting right now.
A complete system that provides full training & support.
Where true beginners are earning $500 to $1000 a week.
If you're sick of programs that do not work, then
you need to really take a look at this.
http://www.your website
The Ad Headline:
Serious Cash Being Made Right Here!
The Ad Body:
Beginners making 5,000 their first month.
One of the most complete programs online.
What are you waiting for?
Start making real cash, just click below.
http://www.your website
These are just 2 examples and as you can see there are a ton of ways that you can use classified to promote your business.
Submitting Your Classifieds
Below is a list of classified ad sources where you can submit your classified ads. Follow their guidelines, and try not place duplicate ads.
Popular categories to place your ads under include Business Opportunities, Work From Home, Jobs, Other Services, etc.
Backpage Classifieds
AdLandPrAd Posts
US Free Ads
Web Classifieds
Recycler Classifieds
Free Ads City
Notice: Backpage has implemented an ip marker and an account tracker with their systems. This means if you place more than 3 ads on in their classified network using the same ip address and/or same email address, they will block your ads from being posted and also prevent you from placing further ads.
There are ways to get around these systems, but it involves switching your ip address and using multiple email accounts.
This may sound complicated, but it is not. If you do not want to go through the trouble of switching your ip address or having multiple email addresses, that is fine. Just only place a maximum of 3 ads a day on backpage.
To switch your ip address is not that complicated for the most part. Often times you only have to disconnect your internet connection then reconnect it and you will have a different ip address.
To check to see if this will work for you, simply check your ip address now, then disconnect your internet connection and wait 30 seconds and then reconnect your internet connection. Then check your ip address again.
If you do not know how to check your ip address, just simply go to the link below.
This will display your ip address.
Now if the above doesn't work, you will want to create an alternate connection with a dial up service such as or if you can use some of the available software online to switch your ip address while placing ads on backpage.
Now if your ads do get blocked on backpage, then you need to take the above actions to switch your ip address before trying to place any more ads. Once you have switched your ip address, then you will want to use completely new email accounts with backpage so your old accounts and your new accounts have no connections.
Remember to create several email accounts for backpage, and be sure to switch your ip address every time you use a different email address.
When you set up your email addresses, be sure to set-up the vacation responder to send out the following message:
Creating An Alternate Connection & Hiding Your IP Address
One of the ways to switch your ip address is by creating an alternate dial up connection with your computer. Please note that this would be an alternate connection specifically for placing ads on backpage and will not replace your normal internet connection. Discount For IPC
Another way you can switch your ip address is by using software to mask your ip address. One solution to switching your ip address with software is "Hide My IP", and it works very well.
Free Traffic Exchanges & Safelists

Traffic Exchanges
I created an entire website that discusses how to use traffic exchanges. This system can be placed on autopilot where hundreds of people are looking at your site every day. This can run on autopilot as all you need to do is add your website to the rotator and set your account to add credit automatically. I recommend signing up for free then upgrading to a Pro membership. Go here to get started:
Safelist Marketing - It Works!
Some people say that safelist do not work. In this training I will show you how to get prospects viewing your website and signups for your business. I use safelists every day and if you use them this way you will see results.
Guaranteed Live, Unique Visitors (from my 150fast sponsor)
Now I want to make this clear: this is not those sites where you purchase visitors and receive no visitors to your website. These are LIVE, UNIQUE visitors.
I have used this resource for years and got a great response.
Remember: less is more. No one wants to read a long sales page so make sure your website peaks their curiosity. You only have 6 seconds to get their attention. Make the most of it.
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